Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is an ancient drink once known only to the Chinese and Japanese, now it has gained popularity across the world, beginning from Asia to the Western world. This refreshing drink is known to have many health benefits. Green tea has antioxidant properties.
  • Green tea helps to boost metabolism thereby aiding to weight loss by burning up calories.
  • Green tea helps to regulate glucose in the body and prevents type 1 diabetes and slows the advancement for those who already have diabetes.
  • Green tea is considered as a better drink due to its high amount of antioxidant property when compared to black tea.
  • Green tea also could be use to prevent the tooth decay.
  • Green tea has shown that it may reduce the risk of cancer up to 60 percent.
  • Green tea lowers the levels of stress hormones which makes more relaxed.
  • Green tea prevents heart attacks and strokes by inhibiting the production of blood clots.
  • Three cups of green tea a day proves to give health benefits, however the drink should not exceed ten cups a day.
  • Green tea contains a minimal amount of caffeine when compared to a cup of coffee. So this can be a substitute for a cup of coffee especially to pregnant women.
  • Green tea has the ability to kill bacteria and is known to deter food poisoning.
  • Green tea helps to lower LDL Cholesterol levels.

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