Unicas Branch #2 has opened in Jamnagar

Unicas Branch #2 has opened in Jamnagar

Jamnagar has a population of over 2.2 million people. 

This branch adds to the flagship branch in Jaipur. 

New branches will be rolled out weekly.

Forecast is now 50 branches by the end of 2021 & 100 branches by the end of 2022. 

Everyone is welcome to visit the Jamnagar branch located at: 

Siddhi Vinayak Plaza
Office #102 (First Floor), 
MIG Colony Cross, 
Summair Club Road, 
Jamnagar, Gujarat, 361005

Unicas staff at our Jamnagar branch are standing by ready to help you with all your banking and crypto needs. 

Delhi branch opening soon.

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