Biggest Youtube Collab To Get Crypto Legal In India!

#isupportcrypto #wesupportcrypto

RBI Decision Should Be Reversed - Lets Raise Our Voice !

 Friends its high time that we all have to unite together as one if we want to make this reconsider and make crypto legal in India .

 As this decision can make india lag behind other countries who are already accepting crypto as legal and taking this decision we will be much more behind then where we are now .

 Make sure you all sign this petition to get bitcoin legal in india and crypto legal in india . 

 So as we all wanted to see all crypto influencers to be on one platform to support crypto her you can see now we are all together as one so that we can raise our voice and can get crypto legal in India .

 I hope that you will support us and will make us go viral as this is very much need for the day so we can get the decision reversed in our favour .

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