Notable Deaths of Global Leaders in 2011
It was an year of political significance – an year of revolution, invasion and deaths. While some deaths are claimed to be the victory over evil, some loses are undoubtedly cannot be replaced. All that is said and done, these people undoubtedly ruled the world in different spheres – some were great rulers, some represented revolt and terror, and some were great visionaries. While some lived the life of power and terror at their own perils, others foresaw where the world is heading to politically and technologically. Let’s look at those famous deaths of 2011.
Osama bin Laden
Osama’s death came as a pleasant surprise in the morning of May 2, 2011 as the United States Navy SEALs shot down the symbol of terrorism, in an operation code named as ‘Neptune Spear.’ Affirming the common belief that Laden was hiding in Pakistan and once again questioning the countries commitment to fight terrorism, the U.S. Special Forces hunted down the Al-Qaeda supremo in Abbottabad, Northern Pakistan. However, the Government of Pakistan denied the media reports suggesting that its military sheltered the most wanted terrorist and termed them ‘baseless speculations’. Saudi Arabian-born Osama is the founder of Islamic militant group, al-Qaeda, which is responsible for the September 11 attack on World Trade Center in 2001, U.S. embassy bombings in 1998, Bali bombings in 2002 and many other mass-causality attacks around the globe. Osama was buried in the sea shortly after his death and al-Qaeda acknowledge its leader’s death on May 6, 2011.
Steve Jobs
“The world is immeasurably better because of Steve," Apple said as it announced the death of Steve Jobs. Jobs, who redefined the concept of computers, symbolizes an era of technological advancement. He was able to connect the dots of the future where he strongly believed that one can make a difference if he has the courage to follow his heart and intuition, and Jobs did, he did change the world. His rise from a collage dropout to the leader of the technology world was really dramatic. He headed a company that fired him once only to reinstate him as its CEO after a while. He gave a new meaning to the 9 letter of the alphabet and his products - iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, and iPad – stood tall in innovation, design and quality ever since the beginning. Jobs was diagnosed of a rare form of pancreatic cancer in 2003 and after a prolonged period of illness, he resigned as CEO in August 2011, but continued to work for Apple as Chairman of the Board until his death on October 5, 2011.
Kim Jong-il
The man who took power from his father in 1994 ruled North Korea with an iron fist, but was largely loved by masses and had been called by many names such as, Dear Leader, the General, our Father and Generalissimo. The last Stalinist state on earth, North Korea became the latest country to join the nuclear club under Kim Jong. Brinksmanship was the country’s central foreign policy and with its strong internal political strains, the country was in constant confrontation with its immediate neighbor South Korea and its ally United States. Over the years, he developed a strong military arm for the country amounting to about 1 million in strength, the fifth largest in the world. A true film buff, he is said to have a personal library of 20,000 foreign films. The state media announced that the ailing leader Kim Jong-il died from a heart attack on a train on December 17. His youngest and least-known son Kim Jong-un was declared the next leader of the country immediately.
Osama’s death came as a pleasant surprise in the morning of May 2, 2011 as the United States Navy SEALs shot down the symbol of terrorism, in an operation code named as ‘Neptune Spear.’ Affirming the common belief that Laden was hiding in Pakistan and once again questioning the countries commitment to fight terrorism, the U.S. Special Forces hunted down the Al-Qaeda supremo in Abbottabad, Northern Pakistan. However, the Government of Pakistan denied the media reports suggesting that its military sheltered the most wanted terrorist and termed them ‘baseless speculations’. Saudi Arabian-born Osama is the founder of Islamic militant group, al-Qaeda, which is responsible for the September 11 attack on World Trade Center in 2001, U.S. embassy bombings in 1998, Bali bombings in 2002 and many other mass-causality attacks around the globe. Osama was buried in the sea shortly after his death and al-Qaeda acknowledge its leader’s death on May 6, 2011.
“The world is immeasurably better because of Steve," Apple said as it announced the death of Steve Jobs. Jobs, who redefined the concept of computers, symbolizes an era of technological advancement. He was able to connect the dots of the future where he strongly believed that one can make a difference if he has the courage to follow his heart and intuition, and Jobs did, he did change the world. His rise from a collage dropout to the leader of the technology world was really dramatic. He headed a company that fired him once only to reinstate him as its CEO after a while. He gave a new meaning to the 9 letter of the alphabet and his products - iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, and iPad – stood tall in innovation, design and quality ever since the beginning. Jobs was diagnosed of a rare form of pancreatic cancer in 2003 and after a prolonged period of illness, he resigned as CEO in August 2011, but continued to work for Apple as Chairman of the Board until his death on October 5, 2011.
The man who took power from his father in 1994 ruled North Korea with an iron fist, but was largely loved by masses and had been called by many names such as, Dear Leader, the General, our Father and Generalissimo. The last Stalinist state on earth, North Korea became the latest country to join the nuclear club under Kim Jong. Brinksmanship was the country’s central foreign policy and with its strong internal political strains, the country was in constant confrontation with its immediate neighbor South Korea and its ally United States. Over the years, he developed a strong military arm for the country amounting to about 1 million in strength, the fifth largest in the world. A true film buff, he is said to have a personal library of 20,000 foreign films. The state media announced that the ailing leader Kim Jong-il died from a heart attack on a train on December 17. His youngest and least-known son Kim Jong-un was declared the next leader of the country immediately.
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