How Cleaning Your Wallet Benefits You Financially
How organized are you with your finances? Take a look at your wallet. What do you find unused credit cards? Transactions bills, excess of coins? Is your wallet getting extremely thick from the myriad of cards and receipts. Ask yourself do you really need those excess credit cards ans receipts? This statement will definitely help you figure out what needs to go into your wallet and what not. There is a lot of chance that you may benefit financially by cleaning your wallet or purse.
So lets take a look at how you will benefit on cleaning your wallet.
Use Unspent Gift Cards
Everyone loves getting a gift card, and if you have a few unused gift cards lying around you're not alone. the best part about this is that several gift cards with a positive balance on them. You can consider checking the online gift card exchange websites that are now making it easy to turn unwanted gift cards into something far more useful- CASH!Make sure the card values do not get deflated.
Organize for Taxes
Your wallet would definitely contain large number of receipts, that are mostly kept for the taxes that need to be filed. Instead of stacking them in your wallet, you can consider sorting it in some file so that they are not lost. Receipts are also useful for flexible spending accounts. If you lose an important receipt then you can imagine the trouble you would face.
Discard Expired and Unused Credit Cards
All card have expiry date. Are you in a habit of collecting even your old ATM cards or credit cards? What does this lead to confusion at the time you are making a payment. You are not sure which card you are using. So keep aside all the used and expired credit card that you are not using.
Lighten the Weight of Coins
you purse or wallet is loaded with coins? Instead keeping them in your wallet or purse and increasing the weight of it, you can consider dropping them in a piggy bank that in a way help you ave your money. When the coins are in your wallet you have no clue what is the sum of the coins. But if you save them in this way, you know at the end the total money you have been able to save.
So lets take a look at how you will benefit on cleaning your wallet.
Use Unspent Gift Cards
Organize for Taxes
Discard Expired and Unused Credit Cards
Lighten the Weight of Coins
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