Google Reveals Top Search Algorithm Changes

If you have been wondering how Google rank the internet websites, you can easily get the detailed description of the process as Google offered a detail description on the secret process of ranking internet websites. For the time ever, a list has been published that closely guards the search algorithm.
Google published all the details on its official blog. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission, which investigates violations of antitrust law claims that search process of Google can be biased towards its own business and operations or the search results may favor the company's other services, among other issues. Every year around 500 changes are made to the search operation. Recently 10 algorithm changes have been revealed by Google on its blog which ranges from how it treats web searches in less-common languages to refinements around the way it displays results.

As 69 percent of web search has been done worldwide by Google, analysts feel that these rankings can make or break a company's future depending. Listed below are 10 improvements done by Google from past couple of weeks.

google reveal search algorithm
Cross-Language Information Retrieval Updates

The language (Afrikaans, Malay, Slovak, Swahili, Hindi, Norwegian, Serbian, Catalan, Maltese, Macedonian, Albanian, Slovenian, Welsh, and Icelandic) for which only restricted content was available will be now translated into relevant English web pages and the translated titles will be displayed below the English titles in search results. Previously, this feature was available in Korea, but only at the bottom page. Now when you click on the translated titles you will automatically go to the page translated from English into the query language.

Snippets with More Page Content and Less Header/Menu Content

More relevant text can now be used in snippets with this change. As per the changes, Google will now pick text from actual page content rather than using text which is part of a header or menu.

google reveal search algorithm
Better Page Titles in Search Results by De-Duplicating Boilerplate Anchors

While generating page's title, Google look at the number of signals. Anchor text is one signal in links pointing to the page. As it was found out that boilerplate links duplicated anchor text and they are not that relevant, Google is not putting much emphasis on these. Titles that are specific to pages? content are more relevant.

Length-Based Autocomplete Predictions in Russian

This change brings in reduction in the lengthy and often illogical query prediction in Russian. Google will no more make predictions that are too lengthy compared to partial query. This practice is already in use in English.

google reveal search algorithm
Extending Application Rich Snippets

The rich snippets for applications has been announced lately, through which people searching for software applications to witness details like cost and user reviews within search results will be permitted. The change will extend the treatment of application rich snippets, making them available more often.

Retiring a Signal in Image Search

With the evolution of web, Google often visits back the signals that are launched by them in the past, which no longer seem to have a noteworthy impact. So the images that have references from multiple documents on web will retire a signal in Image Search.

google reveal search algorithm
Fresher, More Recent Results

Google announced a few days back about how they rank the fresh content. A change to their algorithm is said to impact at least 35 percent of web searches. The change is proposed to deliver more up-to-date search results relevant to the topic being searched. Google will focus on the type of search and will make available the brand new information available topics like breaking news, recent events and current reviews.

Refining Official Page Detection

Trying their best to provide the most accurate results, Google has attempted to determine which pages are official through this change. The official websites will be ranked high through these changes.

google reveal search algorithm
Improvements to Date-Restricted Queries

Changes have been done with how Google tackles result freshness for queries, when a specific date has been chosen by the user. This change will make sure that users receive the most relevant information for the date range they mentioned.

Prediction Fix for IME Queries

Autocomplete handling of IME queries will be improved with this change. Earlier Autocomplete was used to store the intermediate keystrokes needed to type each character, which sometimes resulted in rubbish prophecy for Hebrew, Russian and Arabic.

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