Why Learning to Tell Jokes is Good for Business

Humor, if used skillfully, helps to establish a good rapport with others, as a good joke not only makes other people laugh, but also is an easy way to highlight a topic of concern. There are umpteen jokes about offices, corporate, entrepreneurs, which show the loopholes in the working environment, and also the problems faced by employees. So how can learning to tell jokes be a good thing for businesses?
Why Learning to Tell Jokes is Good for Business

It is a general thought that good comedians are good presenters, as they have a good sense of humor at the tip of their minds. Learning to tell jokes not only improves the overall positive attitude of the person, but also helps them to time their words, which is very important for an important corporate presentation.

A series of successful punch lines, would help you to get across to the other person, without even hurting their sentiments. So rather than bore your investors or corporate clients with long presentations, why not pack in a bit of humor, which will make the so-called heavy weather sunnier?

A good laugh will help calm your nerves before making that important presentation, as the things that a person cares the most is what makes him nervous. So a stand up act will help a person to understand his audience and remove the barriers--created by body movements like crossed arms.

People who are humorous have a good self-image and are more confident than those who stay dull. A person need not be a comedian to be good at telling jokes; he just needs to have a sense of humor, as the best humor springs from personal experience. The audience will get more connected with a person who is ready to accept his flaws, than a person who says hundred things to highlight his image.

In a office, employees can use humor as a nice way of putting across their dilemmas and concerns to their superiors, which would not only spare them from becoming the complainants but also make sure that their woes fall to good ears.

A person should make sure not to go to the extremes though, as people might take offense, which might spoil the whole objective. People who have a funny bone are considered as balanced, as not only do they cheer up their surroundings but also are good at tackling serious situations.

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