Earning Plans

I: SMS Income

Earn For 5 Levels : From SMS

1)Get 2o Paise For Each SMS You Receive.
2)Get 10 Paise For Each SMS Your Friends Receive.
3)Get 5 Paise For Each SMS Their Friends Receive.
4)Get 3 Paise For Each SMS Their Friends Receive.
5)Get 1 Paise On Every SMS Their Friends Receive.

II: Referal Income

Example Of Earning From Referral

Level           Member           Allotment           Earning     
1.                     2                               18                        36       
2.                     4                                8                         32       
3.                     8                                5                         40       
4.                    16                               4                         64       
5.                    32                               3                         96       
6.                    64                               2                        128      
7.                   128                              1                        128      
8.                   256                              1                        256      
9.                   512                              1                        512      
10.                1024                            1                       1024     
11.                2048                            1                       2048     
12.                4096                            1                       4096     
13.                8192                             1                       8192     
14.               16384                           1                      16384    
15.               32768                           1                      32768    
16.               65536                           1                      65536    
17.              131072                         1                     131072   
18.              262144                          1                     262144   
19.              524288                         1                     524288   
20.             1048576                       1                    1048576  
21.             2097152                        1                    2097152  
22.             4194304                        1                    4194304  
23.             8388608                        1                    8388608  
24.            16777216                      1                    16777216
25.            3355443                         1                    33554432
                    Total                                                    67109132

III: Guaranteed Income

Guaranteed Income Fund(Salary Plan)

Level    If You Sponsor    Allotment    Your Income Per month
1st                 20                      035.p                           Rs.7.00
2nd            20x15                 035.p                         Rs.105.00
3rd            300x15               035.p                        Rs.1575.00
4th            4500x5               035.p                         Rs.7875.00
5th           22500x2             035.p                        Rs.15750.00
6th           45000x2             035.p                        Rs.31500.00
7th           90000x2             035.p                        Rs.63000.00
Total Income Per Month:--                                    Rs.119812
* Guaranteed income fund is Valid for life time. Renewal charge Rs. 60/- annual.

IV: 7 Star Bonanza Plan

7 Star Bonanza Plan

Now, EFM is offering a new 7 Star Bonanza Plan This Bonanza is a monthly payable as follows : EFM will keep an amount of Rs. 7/- for every new subscriber signing up in a Bonanza account in a calendar month. Subscribers who sponsor 7 are eligible for one Royalty unit. Now, the Bonanza fund in a calendar month will be shared equally among all the successful sponsors in terms of units up to 25 units. This Bonanza will be paid once in a month and the eligibility will be fresh every month.An illustration given below will explain you in detail.

No. of New Subscribers in a calendar month are 1,50,000
Bonanza fund for the month is Rs. 7 X 1,50,000 =Rs. 10.5 Lakh
No of Sponsors who made 7 in the calendar month - 1000
1000 Units Rs.10,50,000/-
Royalty unit rate is = Rs. 1050/- Per Unit. 1050 Units

V: Bonanza

Level           Member           Prize
8                    256               1000 Visiting Cards
9                    512               Pen drive
10                 1024              Travel bag
11                 2048               Mobile /MAXIMA WRIST WATCH
12                 4096               Color Mobile / Wrist Watch (Pair)
13                 8192               I-pod /DVD
14                16384              Suit
15                32768              Digital Camera / TV
16                65536              Handy Camera
17               131072             Laptop
18               262144             Apache RTR 160 Bike
19               524288             Foreign Tour
20              1048576            ALTO CAR + Laptop
21              2097152            SANTRO CAR + N73+ Laptop
22              4194304            FORD FISTA
23              8388608            Farm house in Rajasthan
24             16777216           Mercedes-Benz C -Class
25             33554432           BMW X-5

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